The Florida Department of Education, Office of Student Financial Assistance (OSFA), would like to assure our customers that OSFA will continue to provide support and services to our customers and assist you with the mandated transition to Direct Lending by the passage of H.R. 4872, the Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010.
The U.S. Department of Education and NASFAA have jointly created a Checklist to assist schools with this transition and relevant issues. The Department has provided a Direct Loan Program Q&A which will assist schools with questions on Processing, MPN's, PLUS loans, Borrower Benefits and Customer Service. The Getting Started link will give you access to the Federal Student Aid Web site which will provide schools with the initial setup steps.
The National Direct Student Loan Coalition is made up of schools wishing to assist institutions transitioning to Direct lending. The coalition members consist of financial aid professionals participating within Direct Lending.
For Common Originations and Disbursement(COD)Support call
or e-mail .
For Direct Loan Enrollment e-mail
Direct Loan Servicing - Schools - 1-888-877-7658
Direct Loan Consolidation Center - 1-800-557-7392
CPS/SAIG - - 1-800-330-5947
G5 Help Desk - - 1-800-336-8930
NSLDS - - 1-800-999-8219
Students can view their loan documents, Entrance Counseling, MPN, and PLUS loan information at the Financial Student Aid Web Site.
Students may also access the Direct Loan Page for Students for Direct Loan information, How to Apply for a Direct Loan, Interest Rates, and other information.
Federal Student Aid Information - 1-800-433-7327
Common Originations and Disbursement (COD) School Relations - Applicant Services - 1-800-557-7394
Direct Loan Serving Center - Borrowers - 1-800-848-0979
Direct Loan Consolidation - Borrowers - 1-800-557-7392