Revised: October 7, 2024
Chapter I
The Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational Records (the "FASTER System") provides school districts, state colleges, universities and technical centers with the means to exchange transcripts and other student records electronically. It is an electronic mail system in which the "messages" are the requests for transcripts and the responses to these requests. Both requests and responses must follow predefined record formats and edit specifications. FASTER users exchange national and international records by taking advantage of the built-in interface to SPEEDE/ExPRESS (Standardization of Postsecondary Education Electronic Data Exchange/Exchange of Permanent Records Electronically for Students and Schools), a set of record formats which has been approved by the American National Standards Institute. For more details see Chapter II, Section J of this manual and the FASTER-SPEEDE/ExPRESS Interface Guide.
Requests and responses from institutions are the inputs and outputs of the System's programs. The programs, and the data base "mailboxes" they serve, are housed at Northwest Regional Data Center (NWRDC) in Tallahassee. The Florida Deparment of Education (FDOE) Secured FTP (IBCO SFTP) server provides the communications network over which request and response messages travel.
Currently, the System can be used to transfer three kinds of student records:
Records (and Bright Futures, High School Academic Evaluations, and Talented
Twenty Records)
Transcripts (and Bright Futures, High School Academic Evaluations, and
Talented Twenty Records)
Transcripts/Technical Center Transcripts (and Teacher Certification, Dual
Enrollment and Postsecondary Feedback) |
Interdistrict Records consist of a public school student's permanent record and selected category "B" information. As the name implies, these student records are transferred between school districts. A subset of the Interdistrict Records formats is also used to transmit Bright Futures information from school districts to the Office of Student Financial Assistance.
The Secondary Transcript is the set of records that accompanies a high school student's application for admission to a Florida postsecondary institution. These records are transmitted when a student specifically requests his or her high school to send the records to a postsecondary institution. The Secondary Transcript is also used to transmit Bright Futures information from school districts to the Office of Student Financial Assistance. The student may also authorize a postsecondary institution to request the transcript from the student's high school on the student's behalf. In this case, the postsecondary institution issues a request to the student's high school, which responds by shipping the student's Secondary Transcript to the postsecondary institution.
Technical Center Records consist of a technical school student's permanent record and selected category "B" information. As the name implies, these student records are transferred between technical centers.
The Postsecondary Transcript serves approximately the same function for postsecondary institutions that the Interdistrict Records serve for school districts. They are also sent to the Bureau of Educator Certification.
While it is generally true that Postsecondary Transcripts are only exchanged by postsecondary institutions, and that Secondary Transcripts are only sent from secondary schools to postsecondary institutions, this is not always the case. At times, it is useful for school districts to receive either Secondary or Postsecondary Transcripts from postsecondary institutions as in the case of dual enrollment or for the purposes of post-secondary feedback to the districts. However, when a district requests transcripts from a postsecondary institution, that request is made in the postsecondary format (P00). That is the only restriction, in FASTER, as to the types of institutions that can send and receive Secondary and Postsecondary Transcripts. Interdistrict Records, however, can only be sent and received by school districts.
The FASTER system collects and transmits a wide variety of data, and is utilized to exchange transcripts between school districts, state colleges, universities, and technical centers. If you have questions about the data that is found in the FASTER formats, please refer to the list below for the contact and office best suited to address your question.
As your primary contact, schools should direct questions to their district office initially. District offices receive a daily error report that shows transcripts that were submitted but failed to pass the FASTER and Bright Futures edits. Your district is always the best source of information.
Futures |
Futures Helpdesk |
1-888-827-2004 |
Centers |
Goodman |
(850) 245-9002 |
Students |
Dinh Nguyen |
(850) 245-0811 |
20 |
Yolanda Miranda-Hill |
(850) 245-9166 |
Certification |
Certification Communication Center |
(800) 445-6739 |
Code Directory |
Henderson |
(850) 245-9543 |
If you are experiencing technical issues involving the exchange of FASTER data that cannot be resolved at the district level or through the contact list above, the staff in the Office of Application Development and Support (OADS) can provide you with assistance in resolving these technical issues. If you have questions or experience problems submitting or retrieving records via the FASTER system, contact the OADS staff at the e-mail address below. A technician will be in touch with you at our earliest possible convenience.
Futures - Technical (OADS) |
Electronic student records transfer is a multi-step process (see System Overview Diagram).
1. |
It begins when an institution decides it needs student records held by another institution. The first institution prepares a request record according to the System's standard format. The request record should give the second institution identifying information sufficient to uniquely identify the student. |
2. |
The first institution puts the request record in the data base mailbox of the second institution. This is done by transmitting the request record via TIBCO SFTP to NWRDC where it is used as input to the request posting program SRTS01. This program edits the request record and checks the validity of the address information in the request record. All valid requests are then stored in their addressee's postboxes. An edit report of requests with data errors is returned to the first institution via TIBCO SFTP. |
3. |
The second institution empties its mailbox of incoming requests by running the request pickup program SRTS02. This program copies any requests in the mailbox to a working file at NWRDC, marking the data base originals " delivered. " The working file is then transmitted via TIBCO SFTP to the second institution. |
4. |
In the meantime, the first institution runs the Outgoing Aging Report program SRTS21 to see when its requests were delivered (i.e., picked up by the second institution). This program produces a report and/or file of message delivery dates which, when transmitted back to the first institution, can be matched back to the original request record. |
NOTE: Delivered messages are deleted after 14 days. |
5. |
At the second institution, the requests file is matched against the second institution's files (using programs developed by the second institution). |
6. |
The second institution prepares a file of responses to the requests it has received, formatted according to the System's standards. These responses will either be sets of student records (where a request can be satisfied) or simple message records (where a request did not uniquely identify any student in the second institution's files). |
7. |
This file of responses is transmitted to NWRDC where it becomes input to the response posting program SRTS03. This program edits the response file, storing on the data base all records having no errors in key fields (such as those dealing with addressing information). The program sends an edit report and a file containing the Header Records of any records having either reject or other edit errors back to the second institution via TIBCO SFTP. It also posts a header record to the first institution for any transcript that failed to post to that institution's mailbox. |
8. |
The first institution empties its mailbox of incoming responses and failed responses by running the response pickup program SRTS04. This program copies any responses in the mailbox to a working file at NWRDC, marking the data base originals " delivered. " The working file is transmitted via TIBCO SFTP to the first institution, where it can be processed for addition to the first institution's files. Also transmitted to the first institution is an edit report informing the first institution of any non-reject errors on the file of requests it has just picked up. Records with reject errors will, of course, not get this far, only notification of records with reject errors. |
9. |
In the meantime, the second institution runs the Outgoing Aging Report program SRTS21 to see when its responses were delivered (i.e., picked up by the first institution). This program produces a report and/or file of message delivery dates which, when transmitted back to the second institution, can be matched back to the original response record. Delivered records are automatically deleted from the data base after 14 days. |
10. |
The student records received from program SRTS04 are assimilated into the automated records of Institution 1, using programs and procedures written by that institution. Notice of failed attempts to post a transcript can also be monitored by Institution 1. |
11. |
If a response is sent outside the state of Florida, it must pass through the system's interface to the SPEEDE/ExPRESS national electronic transcript system. This is an automatic interface that does not require execution of additional procedures by FASTER institutions. Just supply the correct addressing information on the Header Record and send the transcript in the same way you send transcripts to FASTER participants. The system handles all communications with " the world " outside of FASTER. |
A shorter version of the above procedure will commonly be used when a student directs his or her institution to send the student's records to another institution. In this case, a set of response records will be prepared without a prior corresponding request having been received. Steps 1 thru 5 of the above procedure would then be skipped and record transfer would begin with step 6.
On Sunday evenings, between 4:00PM and 7:00PM, the System is taken off-line for maintenance. All records that were delivered more than fourteen days earlier, are archived and removed from the data base. Only a transcript's Header Record is preserved in the archival process. All other information is erased.
The chapters that follow expand upon the foregoing overview of the System. Chapter II explains the general formats of request and response records, and discusses the formats specific to each of the three types of student records. Chapter III discusses the batch processing aspects of the system. Chapter XII describes the software OADS has made available to the users, and Chapter XIII concludes the manual.
This manual describes every element and feature of the System. Since no one institution will use the entire System, no one will need to read the entire manual. Use the following as a guide to selecting those portions of the manual you will need to read:
1. |
Chapter II, everyone should read sections A through D. School districts
should also read sections E, F, H, and K, and M, while postsecondary
institutions should also read sections G, H, I, J, K, and M. |
2. |
Everyone should read all of Chapter III. |
3. |
Everyone should read Chapters XII, and XIV. |
4. |
Chapter XIII should be read by institutions that conduct student record processing for themselves and on behalf of other institutions (as where the central institution of a consortium conducts student record transfers for the other institutions belonging to the consortium). |
The FASTER homepage (www.fldoe.org/faster/) allows the public access to the FASTER newsgroup, where all items of interest will be posted. If you have an e-mail address then you can join the FASTER listserve, also available on the FASTER homepage, to participate in discussion of FASTER problems, concerns and direction.
This Committee is comprised of a representative from each program area that has an interest in the FASTER application; this group of stakeholders is your representatives. They represent your interests when it comes time to make policy changes and implement state or federally mandated requirements. This committee meets throughout the year to consider changes to the FASTER system. Urgent changes will be submitted to the committee during the year using e-mail or telephone conferencing.
Technical changes will be accepted if approved by a majority of the appropriate quorum of committee members. That is, if a change only affects school districts, the appropriate quorum is a majority of the school district members of the committee. If a change only affects postsecondary institutions, only postsecondary committee members are consulted. For system-wide changes, the quorum is a majority of the entire Steering committee membership.
As stated previously, this Committee is your representative. You can continue to contact the FASTER office at FSTR@fldoe.org with questions or concerns about the technical aspects of the FASTER application. However, requests for changes or improvements in the FASTER application, questions about policy and procedures or program directives should be directed to your Steering Committee representative.
Lynn Nelson |
Assistant Vice Chancellor,
Academic and Student Affairs & Chief Diversity Officer |
Board of Governors |
850-245-0060 |
Millians |
Bureau Chief |
Education Information Services (EIS) |
850-245-0985 |
Nguyen |
Director |
Students |
850-245-0811 |
Andrew Weatherill |
Bureau Chief |
Student Support Services |
850-245-7840 |
Henderson |
Senior Director of Articulation Systems
Articulation |
850-245-9543 |
Goodman |
Vice Chancellor,
Career and Adult Education |
Centers |
850-245-9002 |
Arlene Forbing |
Senior Educational Program Director |
of Educator Certification |
850-245-0537 |
Haskin |
Programs Director |
of Student Financial Assistance / Bright Futures |
850-410-5185 |
Denise Scheidler |
Program Specialist |
Bureau of Educator Recruitment,
Development & Retention |
850-245-0545 |
Karen Murphy |
Associate Vice President,
Academic Affairs/College Registrar |
Broward College |
954-201-7074 |
Gene Kovacs |
Chief Information Officer |
Board of Governors |
850-245-9584 |
John Opper |
Executive Director, Distance Learning & Student Services |
Florida Virtual Campus |
850-922-6044 |
Rick Bryant |
Associate Vice President for Admissions Services |
University of Florida |
352-294-0931 |
Nikki Allison |
Director, Centralized Scholarship Programs |
Bright Futures |
850-245-1900 |
E. Statutory Authority for FASTER
Specific Authority 1001.02(1),
1007.01(3)(g), 1008.385(2),
229.551, 240.115(2) FS. Law Implemented 229.053(2)(c), 240.115(2), 240.203(2), 240.301, 240.325(3)(4) FS.
History - New 7-13-83, Formerly 6A-10.242, Amended 1-4-94.
Under this authority, the State Board of Education promulgated rule
6A-10.024(12), FAC, which, in pertinent part, reads as follows:
(21) Standard transcript. The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall
maintain a standard format for universities and state colleges to record the
performance and credits of students. Each such transcript shall include all
courses in which a student enrolls each term, the status in each course at the
end of each term, all grades and credits awarded, College-Level Academic Skills
Test scores, and a statement explaining the grading policy of the institution.
The Articulation Coordinating Committee shall collaborate with the Division of
Public Schools in the development of a standard format on which district school
systems shall record the performance and credits of students.
(22) By December 1, 1991, the Department and all public universities,
state colleges, and school districts shall have implemented the electronic
exchange of student transcripts and associated educational records, including
acquisition of and access to test scores of students, using the Florida Information
Resource Network and following the procedures in the Florida Automated System
for Transferring Educational Records section in "DOE Information Data Base
Requirements: Volume I--Automated Student Information System," which is
incorporated by reference in Rule 6A-1.0014, FAC.
(12) The Department and all public universities, Florida College System institutions, and
school districts shall maintain the electronic exchange of student transcripts and associated educational
records, including acquisition of and access to test scores of students in the standard format
established by the ACC.
(Note: State Board of Education Rules can be found at https://www.flrules.org/default.asp
The "DOE Information Data Base Requirements "
can be found at
https://www.fldoe.org/accountability/data-sys/database-manuals-updates/ .
After navigating to this URL, click on STUDENT INFORMATION SYSTEM. Then click
on Student Database Requirements under INTRODUCTION and scroll down to pages A-5 and A-6
which, in pertinent part, reads:
The Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational Records
(F.A.S.T.E.R.) document can be found at http://www.fldoe.org/faster/.
After navigating to this URL, click on the latest version of the FASTER User
Manual, which contains the records transfer procedures. Appendices H and I (scroll down the left
side of the page) contain the records transfer formats, listing each data
element that can be transferred. These appendices also indicate whether a data
element is required or optional. Basically, the data elements with asterisks by
their names are the required data elements.
Appendices U and V
provide examples of the common printed transcript format.