Effective: December 9, 2012

2012-2013 Course Segment Format for Postsecondary Transcript or Enrollment Record

1. The presence of LOW-VALUES in data fields causes significant problems for several institutions in the receipt of student records. A transaction will be rejected if non-displayable characters are sent in the data unless found in Filler Reserved for Local Use. Please use some other appropriate character (e.g., SPACES) with which to initialize your records before sending them.
2. Items 20 and 21, although not required, are all fields which can be used in the translation of the FASTER format to the SPEEDE format. If your institution can supply any or all of these fields, the SPEEDE transcript produced from the translation will be more complete. Also, when receiving a transcript from a SPEEDE institution, these fields may supply you with information useful in admissions and placement.
3. Special characters, tilde (~), caret (^), and grave accent (`), are used as delimiters in the translation of FASTER to SPEEDE/ExPRESS. They are reserved symbols and as such cannot be included in data sent through FASTER to a SPEEDE/ExPRESS institution.
4. The original intent of this format was for use in transmitting Academic History Transcripts. Starting July 1, 2012, this format can also be used to transmit "Enrollment" records to financial aid offices of the Florida State College System and the Florida State University System. In those instances, it is to be used in association with the response Message Type Codes of 'S30', 'S31', and 'S32'.
5. Four new fields have been added, all intended for use when this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, beginning July 1, 2012. See Items 27-30 below for details.
6. Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, the following data elements are not required: Items 10-12, 15-17, 20-26. If data is provided in these fields, that data will be edited according to existing business rules. See the note in the affected fields below.
7. Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized in an Academic History Transcript, Items 27-30 are not required. If data is provided in these fields, that data will be edited using the newly established business rules for those fields. See the note in the affected fields below.

Field Characteristics:

A = Alphabetic only
A/N = Alphameric
N = Numeric only
Z = Zoned numeric
P = Packed decimal
R = Right justified with leading zeros
L = Left justified

Format Characteristics:

Name: 2012-2013 Course Segment Format for Postsecondary Transcript or Enrollment Record
Number: P03

Effective: December 9, 2012

Record Size: 1020

1 1-3 3 A/N Record Type*

This is the record type for the transaction. The value will always be "P03".

2 4-13 10 A/N/L Social Security Number*

The student's social security number

  4-12 9 N Social Security Number
  13-13 1 A/N Filler
3 14-19 6 N Term Designator*

This is the same as described in Item 3 of the Term Header Record (record type P02). This field, along with the Term Tag Number, will tie the course segments to the appropriate term header.

Format: CCYYMM

4 20-20 1 N Term Tag Number*

This is the same as described in Item 4 of the Term Header Record (record type P02). This field, along with the Term Designator, will tie the course segments to the appropriate term header.

5 21-24 4 A/N/L Course Prefix*

This is the prefix of the course number. If this is a common course number, it would only have three alpha characters. If this is a transfer course, it may be the alpha prefix, if any, used at the institution awarding the credit.

6 25-29 5 A/N/L Course Number*

This is the actual number or code of the course. If this is a common course number, it would have only four numeric characters.

7 30-30 1 A Outside Indicator*

If this is a common course number, it would be listed as either C (combined lecture and lab), L (lab), or Blank (lecture).

8 31-38 8 A/N Common Course Number Equivalent

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

This is an optional field which may be used to designate the common course number if available and different from that shown in Items 5-7 above. It may be used if Items 5-7 describe a course transferred in from another institution and a common course number equivalent has been determined. It may also be used for course numbers that have changed. If indicated, this may be the latest common course number.
Format: characters 1-3 alphanumeric
  characters 4-7 numeric
  character 8 alphanumeric

9 39-61 23 A/N/L Course Title*

This is the title of the course as it appears on the institution's transcript.

10 62-62 1 A Course Type*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

These are codes in the Articulation Agreement and on the Common Transcript which describe this type of credit.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required. When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

Code Definition
A American College Testing Program
B International Baccalaureate and Honors
C Credit by Exam
E Departmental or Institutional Credit based on experience (Life Experience)
F Study Abroad
G Audit or Visitor Status (No Credit Awarded)
H Honors
I International Baccalaureate
J College Board (CEEB) Credit
K AICE Credit (Advanced International Certificate of Education)
M Military Credit
N Correspondence
O Other External Credit
P American Council on Education Program on Noncollegiate Sponsored Instruction (ACE/PONSI) Credit Recommendation
R Completion or Removal of an Incomplete Grade
T Academic Credits Transferred in From Another Institution
V Vocational Non-Credit (should not be included on regular college credit transcript)
W Work Experience
X Not Applicable (for PreK - Grade 12 use)
Y Advanced Placement
Blank Normal institutional credit awarded by sending institution or awarded as transfer credit
11 63-63 1 A Repeat Indicator*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

This is an indicator for courses which have been repeated.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required. When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

Code Definition
T Indicates a course which was later repeated. This attempt is not included in the GPA.
R This is the last attempt of a course which was taken earlier. This attempt is included in the GPA.
M This designates a course which may be repeated for additional credit. All attempts are included in totals.
G Include in GPA, course does not count toward earned hours.
A This indicates a course that is not counted in the GPA as a result of academic amnesty.
Blank None of the above
12 64-65 2 A/N Grade Assigned*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

This is the grade assigned by the institution at the end of the period being reported. If this course is still in progress, a grade of "IP" should be indicated.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required.  When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

13 66-70 5 N/R Course Credit*

The number of semester credits awarded for successful completion of this course (formatted 999V99)

14 71-71 1 A Filler
15 72-76 5 N/R Credits Earned*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

This must be used if the grade has non-standard usage to indicate the credits earned. It may also be used to indicate the credits earned for a standard grade. This item is formatted 999V99.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required. When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

16 77-81 5 N/R Credits for GPA*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

This must be used if the grade has non-standard usage to indicate if the credits are used in GPA calculations. It may also be used for standard grades. This item is formatted 999V99.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required. When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

17 82-88 7 N/R Grade Points*  (Required for Academic History Transcripts Only)

Indicates how many grade points were assigned for this course attempt. This item is formatted 9(5)V99.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is required.  When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

18 89-90 2 A/N Course Level Code(Required for SPEEDE transmission)

Indicates the level of the course offering.
Code Definition
D Upper Division and Graduate
G Graduate
H Higher or Upper Division
I Institutional Credit
L Lower Division
P Professional
R Remedial
U Undergraduate

19 91-91 1 A/N Academic Credit Type Code(Required for SPEEDE transmission)

Identifies the type of credit awarded.
Code Definition
A Adult
C Continuing Education Unit (CEU) Credit
G Carnegie Unit
N No Credit
Q Quarter Hour Credit
S Semester Hour Credit
U Units
V Vocational Credit
X Other Credit

20 92-113 22 A/N Curriculum Code

A code identifying the program in which the student was enrolled.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.  When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

  92-93 2 A/N Curriculum Code Qualifier

The code set used to identify the Curriculum Code.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.  When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

Code Definition
81 Classification of Instructional Programs (CIP) coding structure.
82 Higher Education General Information Survey (HEGIS) coding structure.
CA Canadian College Course Codes
CC Canadian University Curriculum Codes
  94-113 20 A/N Curriculum Code

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

Qualifier Code Program
81 1301.01 General Education (the decimal is transmitted as part of the value in this case)
82 0909 Electrical Engineering

21 114-148 35 A/N Curriculum Code Name

The name of the program in which the student was enrolled.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

22 149-151 3 N/R Academic Grade Qualifier(Required for SPEEDE transmission)

Valid values for this field are those identified by the American Medical Colleges Admissions Service (AMCAS). (See Attachment 1 to this format)

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

23 152-154 3 A/N/L Academic Grade(Required for SPEEDE transmission)

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

24 155-155 1 A/N/L General Education Course

This element indicates whether or not the course is a general education course for this student.

Valid values are Y=Yes, N=No, or Blank.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

25 156-163 8 N Student Withdrawal Date

This is the date the student dropped or withdrew from the course if a withdrawal type grade is assigned.


Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.   Instead, the Last Course Transaction Date field, item #29, is required.

26 164-164 1 A Gordon Rule Indicator

This element indicates that the completed course was offered as a Gordon Rule Course.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element is edited for valid values.   When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element should be blank.

Code Definition
E English
M Math
W Other Writing
N Not a Gordon Rule Course
Blank Unknown/Not Provided
27 165-172 8 N Course Begin Date*  (Required for Enrollment Records Only)

This is the beginning date for each course included on the 'Enrollment' record response.


Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element should be blank. When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element is required.

28 173-180 8 N Course End Date*  (Required for Enrollment Records Only)

This is the ending date for each course included on the 'Enrollment' record response.


Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element should be blank.  When this format is utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes, this data element is required.

29 181-188 8 N Last Course Transaction Date

This is the last course transaction date on the 'Enrollment' record response. This date applies to the Last Course Transaction Action Code to record the type of transaction that occurred on this date.


Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element should be blank. Instead, the Student Withdrawal Date, Item #25, should be used.   This data element should be utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes only. In that instance, the data element should be used only when there is a change in enrollment during the term. If there is no change in enrollment, the field should be left blank.

30 189-189 1 N Last Course Transaction Action Code

This is the action code to record the type of transaction that occurred on the Last Course Transaction Date in Item #29 above.

Note: Starting July 1, 2012, when this format is utilized for Academic History Transcript purposes, this data element should be blank. This data element should be utilized for "Enrollment" record purposes only. In that instance, the data element should be used only when there is a change in enrollment during the term. If there is no change in enrollment, the field should be left blank.

Code Definition
1 Late Add
2 Withdrawal
3 Course Completed (Graded)
27 31 165 190-1011 847 822 A/N Filler
28 32 1012-1020 9 A/N Filler Reserved for Local Use