Effective: December 9, 2012

2012-2013 Student Immunization Information

1. All items 1-48 are valid for interdistrict, Bright Futures, secondary, and technical center transcript record transfer.
2. Transfer one record per student.
3. The presence of LOW-VALUES in data fields causes significant problems for several institutions in the receipt of student records. A transaction will be rejected if non-displayable characters are sent in the data unless found in Filler Reserved for Local Use (last 9 bytes of each record type). Please use some other appropriate character (e.g., SPACES) with which to initialize your records before sending them.
4. This record is required for all interdistrict transfers with the exception of adult students aged 21 or older. An adult transmission is identified as having a Grade Level of 30 or 31, and a Birth Date less than the transmission date minus twenty-one years. Both Grade Level and Birth Date are required fields on the I/S01 format. This record is not required when addressed to Bright Futures (95).
5. Required fields are indicated by an asterisk(*) next to the field name.
6. Special characters, tilde (~), caret (^), and grave accent (`), are used as delimiters in the translation of FASTER to SPEEDE/ExPRESS. They are reserved symbols and as such cannot be included in data sent through FASTER to a SPEEDE/ExPRESS institution.
7. The description of Immunization Status Code "O" has changed to include students who do not participate in school activities on a school campus. See Item 7 below.

Field Characteristics:

A = Alphabetic only
A/N = Alphameric
N = Numeric only
Z = Zoned numeric
P = Packed decimal
R = Right justified with leading zeros
L = Left justified

Format Characteristics:

Name: 2012-2013 Student Immunization Information
Number: T2

Effective: December 9, 2012

Record Size: 1020

1 1-3 3 A/N Record Type*

The header for the record for this transaction

Code Definition
I02 Interdistrict and Bright Futures Record Transfer
S02 Secondary to Postsecondary Transcript and Bright Futures Record Transfer
T02 Technical Center Transcript Transfer

2 4-13 10 A/N/R Student Number Identifier, Florida*

If the student has a social security number and provides this number to the school district, the Student Number Identifier, Florida, will have the following format:

First 9 digits: the student's Social Security Number; and
The 10th digit: the letter "X".

If a SPEEDE/ExPRESS institution does not provide a valid social security number or high school student number identifier, the value will be "999999999G".

If the student does not provide a Social Security Number to the school district, the school district will assign a Student Number Identifier, Florida, to the student, formatted as follows:

First 2 digits
NN For any student entering a Florida school district for the first time, the first 2 digits will represent the district of initial entry into the Florida School System.
Last 8 digits
NNNNNNNN The last eight digits are district-defined in such a way as to result in a unique student number within the district in which the number is originally assigned.

3 14-15 2 A/N Filler
4 16-17 2 N/R District Number, Current Enrollment*

The two digit number for the current school district or other agency in which the student is officially enrolled for graduation (see District Name Table, Appendix A), or zero in the case of a postsecondary or SPEEDE/ExPRESS sending institution

Code Definition
01-69, 71-76 State assigned number for school district or other agency
99 Other than Florida Public School

5 18-21 4 A/N/R School Number, Current Enrollment*

The state assigned four digit school number in which the student is officially enrolled for graduation

0001 -9899 District school sites assigned a unique number in the state Master School ID File.
0000 Used for in-state postsecondary and SPEEDE/ExPRESS sending institutions
9997 Migrant Non-Attenders - Used for students identified as Migrant, ages 3 through 21, who are not enrolled in school, and have not graduated from high school.
9998 Used to report Home Schooled students. Students identified and being reported by the district as home schooled students.
3518 McKay Scholarship Participants.
7001 Virtual Instruction Program operated through a contract with a provider that is approved by the DOE, the Florida Virtual School or a state college.
7004 Florida Virtual School Franchise Participants.
7006 School District Virtual Course Offerings.
7023 Virtual Instruction Program offered by the School District.


Private school students served with Fund Source D funds.


Private school students participating in Title I programs.

6 22-31 10 A/N Filler
7 32-32 1 A/N Immunization Status

Certification that the student has complied with the immunization requirements by filing the appropriate DH or HRS form with the school district.

Code DH or HRS Form Definition
1 DH or HRS-H3040
DH or HRS 680A
DH or HRS 680-1 or PD 137
or MCD 304-B or old HRS 680
Permanent Immunization Certificate
2 DH or HRS 680B
Temporary medical exemption requiring follow-up
3 DH or HRS 680 C,
HRS 682, PD 139-A
Permanent medical exemption
4 DH or HRS 681 or PD 138 Permanent religious exemption
0 None Enrolled in this district fewer than 31 days. Also use this code for students in virtual instruction programs who do not come to a district school building for any activities and for whom none of the other codes apply. This code can also be used locally for students who do not participate in school activities on a school campus (for example, some Home Education students and Migrant non-enrolled students).

NOTE:  Some districts do allow the use of the 0 code. For districts which permit use of the 0 code, if the student still has a code 0 after 30 days enrollment in the district, the student should be sent home and not allowed to return to school until proper documentation is presented.
NOTE:  Beginning with the 1998-99 school year, students entering or attending kindergarten will be required to show proof of completing the hepatitis B vaccination series which is a three dose series.
NOTE:  Beginning with the 2001-02 school year, students entering or attending public preschool will be required to show proof of completion of varicella vaccination of documentation of varicella disease.
NOTE:  Beginning with the 2001-02 school year, students entering or attending public preschool will be required to show proof of completing the hepatitis B vaccination series which is a three dose series.

Beginning in the 1993-94 school year, codes 5, 6, and 7 are not valid Immunization Status codes for any new student entering Florida schools. Codes 5, 6, and 7 are applicable for students who were given these codes prior to the 1993-1994 school year.

Code DH or HRS Form Definition
5 DH or HRS 680
and Code 1
a) Permanent immunization certificate (680A), and
b) second dose of measles vaccine documentation or physician's note documenting measles disease or laboratory evidence of measles immunity.
6 DH or HRS 680
and Code 2
a) Temporary medical certificate (680B) requiring follow-up, and
b) second dose of measles vaccine documentation or physician's note documenting measles disease or laboratory evidence of measles immunity.
7 DH or HRS 680
and Code 3
a) Permanent medical exemption (680C), and
b) second dose of measles vaccine documentation or physician's note documenting measles disease or laboratory evidence of measles immunity.
8 DH or HRS 680A-2
or DH or HRS 680A 
Permanent Immunization Certificate documenting a) middle school requirements, and b) general immunization requirements

NOTE:  Beginning with the 1997-98 School Year, immunizations required for students who enter or attend the 7th grade are: tetanus diphtheria booster, hepatitis B vaccine series, and second dose of measles vaccine.
NOTE:  Physician's note or laboratory evidence must be verified by the school health nurse.

8 33-40 8 A/N/L Vaccine Certification Expiration Date

The year, month, and day the student's temporary medical exemption (HRS 680 - Part B) expires. The date is 15 days after the student's next scheduled doctors appointment to receive the next vaccination.

CCYYMMDD Example: 19911110 Temporary medical exemption expires on November 10, 1991
Example: 00000000 No vaccine due

9 41-50 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (1)

This is a ten character field which presents information about each of the vaccines required for children. For most cases, the first digit tells the vaccine type, the second denotes the dose in the series, and the remaining eight digits represent the date the dose in a series was administered.

There are also two special cases which will indicate that dates are not required for some individuals because:

1)  they have a medical or religious exemption, or
2)  they entered school prior to the time when individual vaccination dates were required - these students have been immunized.

Special cases:
Ten-character Code Meaning
8099999999 The student has been immunized, but dates are not available for the individual doses (the student's proof of immunization was an eligible form which did not require dates).
90EXEMPT The student has either 1) a permanent medical exemption for all required vaccinations or 2) a religious exemption (positions 9 and 10 will be blank).

All other vaccination information should match those codes and definitions listed in Appendix EE of the Education Information & Accountability Services State Student Database Manual.

Second Character Dose in series.
Note: 0 should be used to indicate doses in special cases including exempt to indicate no doses required (such as physician's note documenting measles disease or laboratory evidence of measles immunity-this does not exempt the child from mumps and rubella immunization).
Third-Tenth Characters
CCYYMMDD Year, month, and day of the dose. Note: month and day may be zeroes if Vaccine Type is L.
EXEMPT If specific requirement has been exempted

See Volume I: Automated Student Information System, Automated Student Data Elements for a more detailed description of Vaccine Status, Date.

NOTE: Items 10-48 can be used to identify up to 39 additional vaccine status, dates for each student. See item 9 for description.

10 51-60 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (2)
11 61-70 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (3)
12 71-80 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (4)
13 81-90 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (5)
14 91-100 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (6)
15 101-110 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (7)
16 111-120 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (8)
17 121-130 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (9)
18 131-140 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (10)
19 141-150 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (11)
20 151-160 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (12)
21 161-170 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (13)
22 171-180 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (14)
23 181-190 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (15)
24 191-200 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (16)
25 201-210 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (17)
26 211-220 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (18)
27 221-230 10  A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (19)
28 231-240 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (20)
29 241-250 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (21)
30 251-260 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (22)
31 261-270 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (23)
32 271-280 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (24)
33 281-290 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (25)
34 291-300 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (26)
35 301-310 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (27)
36 311-320 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (28)
37 321-330 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (29)
38 331-340 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (30)
39 341-350 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (31)
40 51-360 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (32)
41 361-370 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (33)
42 371-380 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (34)
43 381-390 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (35)
44 391-400 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (36)
45 401-410 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (37)
46 411-420 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (38)
47 421-430 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (39)
48 431-440 10 A/N/L Vaccine Status, Date (40)
49 441-1011 571 A/N/L Filler
50 1012-1020 9 A/N/L Filler Reserved for Local Use