Effective: December 9, 2012



CPT Code Description
00120 Anesthesia for Ear Surgery
01230 Anesth, Surgery of Femur
10060 Drainage of Skin Abcess
12001 Repair Superficial Wound(s)
22899 Spine Surgery Procedures
29065 Application of Long Arm Cast
29075 Application of Forearm Cast
29405 Apply Short Leg Cast
36430 Blood Transfusion Service
50760 Fusion of Ureters
69210 Remove Impacted Ear Wax
69420 Incision of Eardrum
69437 Create Eardrum Openings
70250 X-ray Exam of Skull
70470 Contrast CAT Scans of Head
71000 Minifilm X-ray of Chest
71010 X-ray Exam of Chest
72110 X-ray Exam of Lower Spine
73000 X-ray Exam of Collarbone
73060 X-ray Exam of Humerus
73090 X-ray Exam of Forearm
73100 X-ray Exam of Wrist
73120 X-ray Exam of Hand
73140 X-ray Exam of Finger(s)
73560 X-ray Exam of Lower Leg
73600 X-ray Exam of Ankle
73620 X-ray Exam of Foot
81000 Urinalysis with Microscopy
81002 Routine Urine Analysis
81005 Urinalysis
82465 Assay Serum Cholesterol
82784 Assay Gammaglobulin A/D/G/M
82947 Assay Body Fluid, Glucose
82948 Stick Assay of Blood Glucose
83018 Chromatograph Screen, Metals
83020 Assay Hemoglobin
83645 Test Blood for Lead
85014 Hematocrit
85018 Hemoglobin, Colorimetric
85022 Automated Hemogram
85031 Manual Hemogram, Complete CBC
86300 Heterophile Antibody Screen
86580 TB Patch or Intradermal Test
86585 TB Tine Test
87060 Nose/Throat Culture, Bacteria
87070 Culture Specimen, Bacteria
87072 Culture Specimen by Kit
87086 Urine Culture, Colony Count
87177 Ova and Parasites Smears
90000 Office Visit, New, Brief
90010 Office Visit, New, Limited
90015 Office Visit, New, Intermed.
90017 Office Visit, New, Extended
90020 Office Visit, New, Comprrh.
90030 Office Visit, Minimal
90040 Office Visit, Brief
90050 Office Visit, Limited
90060 Office Visit, Intermed
90070 Office Visit, Extended
90080 Office Visit, Compreh.
90100 Home Visit, New, Brief
90110 Home Visit, New, Limited
90115 Home Visit, New, Intermed.
90130 Home Visit, Minimal
90140 Home Visit, Brief
90150 Home Visit, Limited
90160 Home Visit, Intermed.
90200 Hospital Care, New, Brief
90215 Hospital Care, New, Intermed.
90220 Hospital Care, New Compreh.
90240 Hospital Visit, Brief
90250 Hospital Visit, Limited
90260 Hospital Visit, Intermediate
90270 Hospital Visit, Extended
90280 Hospital Visit, Comprehensive
90400 Care Facility Visit, Brief
90500 Emergency Care, New, Minimal
90510 Emergency Care, New, Limited
90600 Limited Consultation
90699 General Medical Service
90701 DTP Immunization
90702 DT Immunization
90703 Tetanus Immunization
90704 Mumps Immunization
90705 Measles Immunization
90706 Rubella Immunization
90707 MMR Virus Immunization
90708 Measles-Rubella Immunization
90712 Oral Poliovirus Immunization
90718 TD Immunization
90728 BCG Immunization
90749 Immunization Procedure
90751 Preventive Health Care, 12-17
90752 Preventive Health Care, 5-11
90753 Preventive Health Care, 1-4
90754 Preventive Health Care, Baby
90755 Infant Care to Age One Year
90761 Preventive Health care, 12-17
90762 Preventive health Care, 5-11
90763 Preventive health Care, 1-4
90764 Preventive Health Care, Baby
90774 Developmental Evaluation Tests
90782 Injection of Medication
90788 Injection of Antibiotic
90796 Intrathecal Chemotherapy
90801 Diagnostic Interview
90835 Special Interview
90887 Consultation with Family
92002 New Eye Exam & Treatment
92004 New Eye Exam & Treatment
92012 Eye Exam & Treatment
92014 Eye Exam & Treatment
92020 Special Eye Evaluation
92081 Visual Field Examination(s)
92265 Eye Muscle Evaluation
92283 Color Vision Examination
92340 Fitting of Spectacles
92370 Repair & Adjust Spectacles
92390 Supply of Spectacles
92395 Supply of Spectacles
92502 Ear and Throat Examination
92504 Ear Microscopy Examination
92506 Speech & Hearing Evaluation
92507 Speech/Hearing Therapy
92551 Pure Tone Hearing Test, Air
92552 Pure Tone Audiometry, Air
92553 Audiometry, Air & Bone
92556 Speech Audiometry, Complete
92557 Comprehensive Audiometry
92565 Stenger Test, Pure Tone
92566 Impedance Hearing Test
92567 Tympanometry
92591 Hearing Aid Exam, Both Ears
93000 Electrocardiogram, Complete
93799 Cardiovascular Procedures
95105 Allergy Patient Counseling
95819 Electroencephalogram (EEG)
95881 Cerebral Developmental Test
99013 Telephone Consultation
99025 Initial Surgical Evaluation
99056 Non-Office Medical Services
99058 Office Emergency Care
99062 Emergency Care Services
99070 Special Supplies
99075 Medical Testimony
99078 Group Health Education
99080 Special Reports or Forms
99090 Computer Data Analysis
99155 Conference with Physician
99199 Special Service or Report
D0110 Initial Dental Exam
D0120 Periodic Dental Exam
D0130 Emergency Dental Exam
D0210 Complete Radiology Series
D0220 1 Periapical
D0230 Addition Films
D0270 Bitewing - Single Film
D0272 2 Bitewings
D0274 4 Bitewings
D0330 Panoramic
D0471 Dental - Diagnostic Photos
D1110 Adult Prophy
D1120 Child Prophy
D1220 Stann. Flu 1 Treat Exc Phoph
D1230 Fluoride Treatment
D1330 Oral Hygiene Instr.
D1340 Training-Prevent-Dental Care
D1350 Enamel Sealants
D2110 Amal. Prim. 1 Surf
D2120 Amal. Prim. 2 Surf
D2130 Amal. Prim. 3 Surf
D2131 Amalgam Deciduous 4 Surfaces
D2140 Amal. Perm. 1 Surf
D2150 Amal. Perm. 2 Surf
D2160 Amal. Perm. 3 Surf
D2161 Amalgam Perm. 4 or More Surf
D2310 Acrylic or Plastic
D2330 Composite 1 Surf
D2331 Composite 2 Surf
D2332 Composite Resin. 3 Surfaces
D2335 Composite Resin
D2750 Crown Porc./Metal
D2830 Stainless Steel
D2940 Sedative Treatment
D3110 Pulp Cap Direct
D3120 Pulp Cap Indirect
D3200 Pulpotomy Exc. Final Restor.
D3220 Vital Pulpotomy
D3310 Root Canal 1
D3330 Root Canal 3
D4220 Subging. Curet./Quad
D4340 Perio Scale, Comp
D4341 Perio S. P.
D6750 Porcelain/Metal
D7110 Extraction
D7120 Add. Extr.
D9210 Local Anesthesia
D9230 N202-02 Sedation
D9310 Dental Consultation