Florida Automated System for Transferring Educational
FASTER and its interface to SPEEDE/ExPRESS
FASTER and SPEEDE/ExPRESS are sets of predefined data formats used by educational
institutions to electronically exchange student records and transcripts.
Institutions must subscribe to the FASTER and/or SPEEDE/ExPRESS systems in order
to participate in this exchange.
What's New
- The 2024-25 FASTER annual will take place December 4, 2024.
Details for the cutover changes can be found in the
Change Summary
- There is a new state assigned district: 83 DJJ District.
- Please note maintenance times to avoid when submitting jobs/files:
NWRDC: Every Monday between 2:00am and 6:00am
FASTER/SPEEDE: Every Sunday night between 4:00pm and 7:00pm
TIBCO: Every 3rd and 4th Wednesday of the month between 6:00 PM
and 9:00 PM.
- Reminder: FASTER does not support emailed/PDF transcripts.
It is always our intent to process student records as efficiently and securely
as possible. If you have technical questions concerning the processing of FASTER
records, please contact us at
Please include the details of your question or request in your email.
High schools with questions regarding missing or rejected transcripts should
first contact their district offices BEFORE contacting the Florida Department
of Education. Districts receive
an Edit Error Report each time they submit transcripts and can provide
information regarding the processing of transcripts. In addition, transcripts
which are processed by FASTER but fail Bright Futures edits are listed on the
district's Incoming Aging Report.