Revised: July 1, 2016

Cost of Attendance Record

1. The presence of binary zeroes in data fields causes significant problems for several institutions in the receipt of student records. A transaction will be rejected if non-displayable characters are sent in the data unless found in Filler Reserved for Local Use. Please use some other appropriate character (e.g., SPACES) with which to initialize your records before sending them.
2. Special characters, tilde (~), caret (^), and grave accent (`), are used as delimiters in the translation of FASTER to SPEEDE/ExPRESS. They are reserved symbols and as such cannot be included in data sent through FASTER to a SPEEDE/ExPRESS institution.
3. This format gives the financial aid offices of the Florida State College System and the Florida State University System the ability to transmit financial aid cost of attendance information for transient students back to their home institutions. The purpose of transmitting this data is to meet federal requirements for the disbursement of financial aid to these students.
4. This format is to be used to respond to a request for a Cost of Attendance record, Message Type Code 'R20'.
5. Multiple P20 Cost of Attendance records may be included with a P00 postsecondary response header record.

Field Characteristics:

A = Alphabetic only
A/N = Alphameric
N = Numeric only
Z = Zoned numeric
P = Packed decimal
R = Right justified with leading zeros
L = Left justified

Format Characteristics:

Name: Cost of Attendance Format for Postsecondary Transcript
Number: P20

Record Size: 1020

1 1-3 3 A/N Record Type*

The record type for this transaction. The value will always be "P20".

2 4-13 10 A/N/L Social Security Number*

The student's social security number

  4-12 9 N Social Security Number
  13-13 1 A/N Filler
3 14-19 6 N Term Designator*

This is a six digit code that designates the term. The first four digits indicate the year in which the term began. The last two digits designate the month in which the term began. For example, a term which began in January 1987 would have a term designator of 198701. If an institution felt that all courses which began in January, February or March of 1987 should be considered in the same term, they could designate all these courses with the same term designator of 198701.

Format: CCYYMM

4 20-20 1 N Term Tag Number*

This is a sequential number assigned to the term. If there is a single Cost of Attendance within a term, then this field should be “0” (zero). If there are multiple Costs of Attendance within a term, then separate P20 records should be sent, with this field incremented for each record.

5 21-27 7 N/R Cost of Attendance, Tuition and Fees

The average cost of tuition, fees and related expenses incurred by the student during the current term. This amount should be the average cost for 12 credit hours.

Two implied decimal spaces. An entry of 1234567 would be represented as $12,345.67. This field cannot be blank. It can be zero filled.

6 28-34 7 N/R Cost of Attendance, Room and Board

The cost of room, board, and related living expenses incurred by the student during the current term.

Two implied decimal spaces. An entry of 1234567 would be represented as $12,345.67. This field cannot be blank. It can be zero filled.

7 35-41 7 N/R Cost of Attendance, Books and Supplies

The cost of books, course supplies, and related course expenses incurred by the student during the current term.

Two implied decimal spaces. An entry of 1234567 would be represented as $12,345.67. This field cannot be blank. It can be zero filled.

8 42-48 7 N/R Cost of Attendance, Transportation

The cost of transportation and transportation related expenses incurred by the student during the current term.

Two implied decimal spaces. An entry of 1234567 would be represented as $12,345.67. This field cannot be blank. It can be zero filled.

9 49-55 7 N/R Cost of Attendance, Personal Expenses

The cost of personal expenses incurred by the student during the current term.

Two implied decimal spaces. An entry of 1234567 would be represented as $12,345.67. This field cannot be blank. It can be zero filled.

10 56-90 35 A/N Filler
11 91-98 8 A/N Cost of Attendance, Term Beginning Date

This is the date of the beginning of the term.


12 99-106 8 A/N Cost of Attendance, Term Ending Date

This is the date of the end of the term.


13 107-1011 905 A/N Filler
14 1012-1020 9 A/N Filler Reserved for Local Use